Where Do You See in OLLI Heading?

As you browse your OLLI catalog each term, is there something missing? Something you would like to see OLLI offer our members and community? Do you like to brainstorm with your friends and peers? We would love to hear from you!

OLLI is seeking volunteers to sit on two committees: the strategic planning committee and the Irving Goodman Aging Lecture Series committee. The time commitment is minimal but the work is important. 

The strategic planning committee is working on the vision of the OLLI's future, setting goals, and developing plans to achieve those goals. The committee will met regularly over the next three to four months to deliver a plan to the Board of Directors.

The Irving Goodman Aging Lecture Series committee identifies and recruits speakers for OLLI's annual lecture.

If you have an interest in serving on one of these committees, email our director at jascenna.haislet@hsc.wvu.edu.