Spend the Summer with OLLI!

The summer catalogs are beginning to arrive in mailboxes!  If you haven't received yours yet, you can browse a copy online at https://olliatwvu.org/available-courses/course-catalogs/. Or call the OLLI office at 304-293-1793. We'd be happy to send you another! Regisration begins Monday, June 24.

Knowing that many of our members from the Charleston area are not able to make the trip to Morgantown for the OLLI Annual Meeting, I want to encourage you to read the ballot that was sent to current members a few weeks ago and vote online or by mail. In addition to voting for new board members, the membership is voting on a proposal to implement a small annual membership fee of $20 for the Charleston program. If you did not receive your ballot or have any questions, please feel free to call me.

Have a great weekend!