
OLLI at WVU is pleased to offer our members a new way to connect with and get to know each other! Nearpeer is an exclusive community for members to meet and connect with other OLLI members who share similar interests or live nearby. As a text-based platform open by invitation only, Nearpeer helps build peer-to-peer connections without ads and spam of other social media sites.

You can access Nearpeer with an app on your smartphone or tablet or through your favorite web browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) on your laptop or desktop computer. Once you’ve logged on, you can join chat groups such as Just Joking, Book Nook, West and Virginia Outdoors; see what other members are sharing in Morgantown area or Charleston area events and opportunities; and find other members using the Discover feature.

Participation in Nearpeer is optional. OLLI at WVU members will receive an email invitation to join us when they purchase or renew their membership. If you wish to participate, follow the directions in the email to set up your account. If you don't wish to participate, simply ignore the email.

User guides are available: OLLI at WVU Nearpeer - Getting Started and How to Chat & Connect. A series of short videos to help you get started is available at