Osher Lifelong Learning InstituteThe Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at West Virginia University, known as OLLI@WVU, provides programs and educational opportunities designed for adults 50 and over.

Free from the pressures of tests and grades, this is learning simply for the joy of it.

OLLI at WVU, affiliated with the School of Public Health, is a membership organization that recognizes the unique experiences, capabilities, and wisdom of mature members of the community. OLLI emphasizes the sharing of ideas through peer learning, member participation, and collaborative leadership.

During four terms each year, OLLI offers courses, lectures, seminars and field trips in such areas as music, literature, art, science, politics, nature, history, health, medicine, and economics. Live drama, movies, and special interest groups add to the choices.

Courses are developed and taught by volunteers from the community who are passionate about their topics, avocations, and interests, and love to share their ideas.